[Ensemble] Gradient Boosting
1. Gradient Boosting
AdaBoost는 오분류 관찰치에 가중치를 올리는 방법
([Ensemble] Intro to Boosting & AdaBoost - Data Science (whatsdata.github.io)
이에 반해, Gradient Boosting은 직전 단계의 오차를 학습하는 방법임.
1.1. Idea
$Y = h_1 (x) + e_1$
$e_1 = h_2(x) + e_2$
$e_2 = h_3(x) + e_3$
$Y = h_1(x) + h_2(x) + h_3(x) + e_3$
$\hat{Y} = w_1 h_1(x) + w_2 h_2(x) + w_3 h_3(x) + \cdots + w_m h_m (x)$
- tree를 base learner로 사용한다고 쳤을 때, tree 1을 통해 예측하고 남은 잔차를 tree2로 예측하고, 2의 잔차를 3으로 예측하고.. 하면서 이를 결합한 강한 분류기 (Strong learner)를 만들어갑니다.
1.2. Why Gradient?
Gradient Boosting이라고 칭하는 이유는, Loss function이 Squared error라면 negative gradient = Residual이 성립하기 때문.
Loss가 다음과 같을 때, \(L(f) = \sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i ,f(x_i))\)
gradient를 구하면 다음과 같다.
즉, Graident가 residual의 음수이기 때문에 residual을 이용한다. 만일, Loss function이 달라진다면 더이상 residual을 사용하지 않고 다른 함수를 사용할 수도 있다.
예시) Classification $(y_i \in {0,1})$
1.3. Algorithm
wikipedia 참고
1. Initialise model with a constant value
- $F_0 (x) = arg \underset{\gamma}{min} \sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i ,\gamma) $
2. For m=1 to M :
Compute so-called $pseudo - residual $ (which is residual for regression case) \(r_{im} = \nabla L(F_m) = {\large \frac{\partial L(y_i , F(x_i)_m)}{\partial F(x_i)_m)} }, \quad i = 1, \cdots ,n\)
Fir a base learner (or a weak learner, like tree) closed under scaling $h_m (x)$ to pseudo-residuals
compute multipler $\gamma _m$ by solving the following one-dimensional optimization problem
\(\gamma_m = \underset{\gamma}{arg min} \sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i , F(x_i)_{m-1} + \gamma h_m (x_i))\) -
Update the model \(F_m (x) = F_{m-1} (x) + \gamma_m h_m (x)\)
3. Output $F_M (x)$
2. GB code from scratch
- train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y를 구축하여 test error를 구하는게 목적
- Initial model로는 Decision Tree Classifier를 사용하고, 이후로 훈련할 때는 Decision Tree Regressor 이용
- 101번 반복하며, 1과 0으로 나누는 Classification 학습.
- Learning rate는 임의로 0.1에 고정시킴.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn import metrics
digits = load_digits()
train_size = 1500
train_x, train_y = digits.data[:train_size], digits.target[:train_size]
test_x, test_y = digits.data[train_size:], digits.target[train_size:]
def GradientBoost(n_estimators, learning_rate, cutoff):
# The first classifier(C_0)
first_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, random_state=0)
# Fit
first_classifier.fit(train_X, train_y)
# Predict with probability
# from the example of classification above, we use y_i - p_i as a residual
train_pred = np.array(first_classifier.predict_proba(train_X)[:,1])
test_pred = np.array(first_classifier.predict_proba(test_X)[:,1])
# Residual
resid = (train_y - train_pred)
# Regressor tree (for B = 100)
for b in range(1, n_estimators+1):
regressor_tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=3, random_state = 0)
# Fit
regressor_tree.fit(train_X, resid)
# Predict
reg_train_pred = regressor_tree.predict(train_X)
reg_test_pred = regressor_tree.predict(test_X)
# Update prediction using Gradient Descent Method
train_pred = train_pred + learning_rate * reg_train_pred
test_pred = test_pred + learning_rate * reg_test_pred
# Update Residual
resid = (train_y - train_pred)
# Lastly, if prediction result is over cutoff, return 1, else return 0
train_pred_result = np.array([1 if prob > cutoff else 0 for prob in train_pred])
test_pred_result = np.array([1 if prob > cutoff else 0 for prob in test_pred])
return test_y, train_pred_result, test_pred_result
GB code from sklearn
1. Load data & packages
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn import metrics
import numpy as np
digits = load_digits()
train_size = 1500
train_x, train_y = digits.data[:train_size], digits.target[:train_size]
test_x, test_y = digits.data[train_size:], digits.target[train_size:]
2. Create ensemble
# Create the ensemble
ensemble_size = 200
learning_rate = 0.1
ensemble = GradientBoostingClassifier(max_depth = 3,
n_estimators = ensemble_size,
learning_rate = learning_rate)
ensemble.fit(train_x, train_y)
3. Print result
# Evaluation
gradient_digit_predictions = ensemble.predict(test_x)
gradient_digit_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(test_y, gradient_digit_predictions)
print("Gradient Boosting")
print("Accuracy: %.2f" % gradient_digit_acc)
Gradient Boosting
Accuracy: 0.88
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