[Ensemble] Gradient Boosting

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1. Gradient Boosting

1.1. Idea

  • $Y = h_1 (x) + e_1$

  • $e_1 = h_2(x) + e_2$

  • $e_2 = h_3(x) + e_3$

  • $Y = h_1(x) + h_2(x) + h_3(x) + e_3$


  • $\hat{Y} = w_1 h_1(x) + w_2 h_2(x) + w_3 h_3(x) + \cdots + w_m h_m (x)$


  • tree를 base learner로 사용한다고 쳤을 때, tree 1을 통해 예측하고 남은 잔차를 tree2로 예측하고, 2의 잔차를 3으로 예측하고.. 하면서 이를 결합한 강한 분류기 (Strong learner)를 만들어갑니다.


1.2. Why Gradient?

  • Gradient Boosting이라고 칭하는 이유는, Loss function이 Squared error라면 negative gradient = Residual이 성립하기 때문.

  • Loss가 다음과 같을 때, \(L(f) = \sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i ,f(x_i))\)

  • gradient를 구하면 다음과 같다.

\[\begin{aligned} \hat{f} & = arg ~ \underset{f}{min} L(f) \newline \nabla L(f)& = \frac{\partial L(y_i , f(x_i))}{\partial f(x_i)} \newline \qquad \; \; ~ &= - [y_i -f(x_i)] \newline &= - Residual_i \end{aligned}\]
  • 즉, Graident가 residual의 음수이기 때문에 residual을 이용한다. 만일, Loss function이 달라진다면 더이상 residual을 사용하지 않고 다른 함수를 사용할 수도 있다.

  • 예시) Classification $(y_i \in {0,1})$

\[\begin{aligned} Loss : \qquad L(f) &= -[y_i log p_i + (1-y_i) log(1-p_i )] \\ where ~~p_i &= P(y_i=1 \vert x_i ), ~f(x_i) = log [ \frac{p_i} {1-p_i } ] \\ \\ \nabla L(f) & = -[y_i - p_i ] \end{aligned}\]

1.3. Algorithm

wikipedia 참고

1. Initialise model with a constant value

  • $F_0 (x) = arg \underset{\gamma}{min} \sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i ,\gamma) $

2. For m=1 to M :

  1. Compute so-called $pseudo - residual $ (which is residual for regression case) \(r_{im} = \nabla L(F_m) = {\large \frac{\partial L(y_i , F(x_i)_m)}{\partial F(x_i)_m)} }, \quad i = 1, \cdots ,n\)

  2. Fir a base learner (or a weak learner, like tree) closed under scaling $h_m (x)$ to pseudo-residuals

  3. compute multipler $\gamma _m$ by solving the following one-dimensional optimization problem

    \(\gamma_m = \underset{\gamma}{arg min} \sum_{i=1}^n L(y_i , F(x_i)_{m-1} + \gamma h_m (x_i))\)

  4. Update the model \(F_m (x) = F_{m-1} (x) + \gamma_m h_m (x)\)

3. Output $F_M (x)$

2. GB code from scratch

  • train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y를 구축하여 test error를 구하는게 목적
  • Initial model로는 Decision Tree Classifier를 사용하고, 이후로 훈련할 때는 Decision Tree Regressor 이용
  • 101번 반복하며, 1과 0으로 나누는 Classification 학습.
  • Learning rate는 임의로 0.1에 고정시킴.
import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np
import os
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn import metrics

digits = load_digits()
train_size = 1500
train_x, train_y = digits.data[:train_size], digits.target[:train_size]
test_x, test_y = digits.data[train_size:], digits.target[train_size:]

def GradientBoost(n_estimators, learning_rate, cutoff):
    # The first classifier(C_0)
    first_classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3, random_state=0)
    # Fit
    first_classifier.fit(train_X, train_y)
    # Predict with probability
    # from the example of classification above, we use y_i - p_i as a residual
    train_pred = np.array(first_classifier.predict_proba(train_X)[:,1])
    test_pred = np.array(first_classifier.predict_proba(test_X)[:,1])
    # Residual
    resid = (train_y - train_pred)
    # Regressor tree (for B = 100) 
    for b in range(1, n_estimators+1):
        regressor_tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=3, random_state = 0)
        # Fit
        regressor_tree.fit(train_X, resid)
        # Predict
        reg_train_pred = regressor_tree.predict(train_X)
        reg_test_pred = regressor_tree.predict(test_X)
        # Update prediction using Gradient Descent Method
        train_pred = train_pred + learning_rate * reg_train_pred
        test_pred = test_pred + learning_rate * reg_test_pred
        # Update Residual
        resid = (train_y - train_pred)
    # Lastly, if prediction result is over cutoff, return 1, else return 0
    train_pred_result = np.array([1 if prob > cutoff else 0 for prob in train_pred])
    test_pred_result = np.array([1 if prob > cutoff else 0 for prob in test_pred])
    return test_y, train_pred_result, test_pred_result

GB code from sklearn

1. Load data & packages

from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn import metrics
import numpy as np

digits = load_digits()
train_size = 1500
train_x, train_y = digits.data[:train_size], digits.target[:train_size]
test_x, test_y = digits.data[train_size:], digits.target[train_size:]

2. Create ensemble

# Create the ensemble
ensemble_size = 200
learning_rate = 0.1
ensemble = GradientBoostingClassifier(max_depth = 3,
                                      n_estimators = ensemble_size,
                                     learning_rate = learning_rate)
ensemble.fit(train_x, train_y)

3. Print result

# Evaluation
gradient_digit_predictions = ensemble.predict(test_x)
gradient_digit_acc = metrics.accuracy_score(test_y, gradient_digit_predictions)
print("Gradient Boosting")
print("Accuracy: %.2f" % gradient_digit_acc)
Gradient Boosting
Accuracy: 0.88

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