[Paper Review]Generative Adversarial Networks
- Generative Adversarial Networks is a paper by Ian Goodfellow in 2014.
It is cited 44,776 times, one of the most cited papers.
- Goodfellow suggested a miracle generative framework, made by competition between the generative model and discriminative model
1) generative model , G: make data according to distribution somewhat similar to real data distribution , trying to real fake data that discriminator cannot distinguish
2) discriminative model, D: Try to discriminate the fake data from the generative model as fake.
1. Introduction
- Deep learning tries to find out the distribution of population data. It uses a ton of linear & nonlinear functions for the approximation, based on backpropagation and dropout algorithm
- However, deep generative models did not have success
- Goodfellow suggested a generative framework, made by competition between the generative model and discriminative model
- He has examples of counterfeit money makers and police officers. The criminal tries to make a perfect counterfeit to cheat the police officer, on the other side, the police officer tries to find what is counterfeit. In the process.
2. Adversarial nets
Many different kinds of methodology could be used for training, but multiplayer perceptron is the most straightforward.
$min_G$ $max_D V(D,G) = E_{x \sim p_{data}(x)} [log D(x)] + E_{z \sim p_z (z) } [log(1-D(G(z)))] $
$P_{data}(x)$ : sample $x$ from real data distribution
And, $p_{Z} (z)$ : sample latent code z from Gaussian distribution
-> classify real as real (: $D(x)\sim 1$)
-> classify fake as fkae(: $D(G(z)) \sim 0$)
3. Theoretical result
- For gan to work well, we need that: $p_g $of generator should converge to $p_{data}$, that is, a generator should generate data somewhat similar to real data
- 3.1. really show that $p_g = p_{data}$ is true, and 3.2. shows that algorithm 1 is the way to realize minimax problem
3.1. $p_g = p_{data}$
proposition 1
$max_D V(D,G) = E_{x \sim p_{data}(x)} [log D(x)] + E_{z \sim p_z (z) } [log(1-D(G(z)))] $ attain global minimum at $p_G = p_{data}$
$min_G$ $max_D V(D,G) = E_{x \sim p_{data}(x)} [log D(x)] + E_{z \sim p_z (z) } [log(1-D(G(z)))] $
=(change of variables) $min_G$$max_D V(D,G) = E_{x \sim p_{data}(x)} [log D(x)] + E_{x \sim p_G } [log(1-D(x))] $
=(expectation) $min_G$ $\int_X max_D (V(D,G) = p_{data} (x) [log D(x)] +p_G (x) [log(1-D(G(z)))] )dx $
- if $f(y) = a log y + blog (1-y) $
$f’(y) = \frac{a}{y} - \frac{b}{1-y} , ~~~ f’(y)=0 <-> y= \frac{a}{a+b } (local ~ max)$
Optimal discriminatro : $D_g ^* (x) = \frac{p_{data} (x)}{p_{data}(x) + p_G (x) }$
Putting it back into the equation,
= $ min_G \int_X p_{data}(x) log \frac{p_{data}(x)}{p_{data}(x)+p_G(x)}$ + $p_G(x) log \frac{p_G(x)}{p_{data}(x) + p_G(x) } $
= (definition of expectation) $min_G (E_{x \sim p_{data} } \left[ log \frac{p_{data}(x)} {p_{data}(x) + p_G(x) } \right] + E_{x \sim p_G} \left[ log \frac{p_G(x)}{p_{data}(x) +p_G (x)} \right])$
= $min_G (E_{x \sim p_{data} } \left[ log \frac{2p_{data}(x)} {p_{data}(x) + p_G(x) } \right] + E_{2x \sim p_G} \left[ log \frac{p_G(x)}{p_{data}(x) +p_G (x)} \right] -log4)$
= $min_G (KL(p_{data}, \frac{p_{data}+p_G}{2}) +KL(p_{G}, \frac{p_{data}+p_G}{2}) -log4) $
by definition, Jensen - Shannon Divergence : $JSD(p,q) = \frac{1}{2} KL(p, \frac{p+q}{2}) + \frac{1}{2} KL(q,\frac{p+q}{2})$
= $min_G (2 * JSD(p_{data}, p_G ) - log4 ) $
JSD is always nonnegative, and zero only when the two distributions are equal.
Therefore, $p_{data} = p_G$ is the global min.
- $D_G ^* (x) = \frac{p_{data}(x)}{p_{data}(x) + p_G(x)} $
- $p_G (x) = p_{data}(x)$
- G and D are neural nets with fixed architecture. we are not sure whether they can actually represent the optimal D and G
- this tells us nothing about convergence to the optimal solution
3.2. Algorithm 1
Proposition 2
If $G,D$ have enough capacity, and at each step of Algorithm 1, the discriminator is allowed to reach its optimum given G, and $p_g$ is updated to improve the criterion \(min_G max_D V(D,G) = E_{x \sim p_{data}(x)} [log D(x)] + E_{z \sim p_z (z) } [log(1-D(G(z)))]\) then $p_g$ converges to $p_{data}$
consider $V(G,D)= V(p_g ,D)$ as a function of $p_g$ .
Then, by proposition 1, $V(p_g, D)$ is convex around $p_g$
Therefore, if $f(x)$ = $sup_{d \in D} f_d (x)$ is convex in $x$ for every $\alpha$ , then $\partial f_{\beta} (x) \in \partial f$ if $\beta = arg sup_{d \in D} f_{d} (x)$.
This is equivalent to computing a gradient descent update for $p_g$ at the optimal $\mathcal{D}$ given the corresponding $G$. since $sup_D V(p_g, D)$ is unique global optima as proposition 1, therefore with sufficiently small updates of $p_g$, $p_g$ converges to $p_{data}$.
4. Experiment
- on MNIST data, cifar-10, TFD data.
- G used rectifier linear activations, sigmoid mixed. D used maxout activation
- dropout and noise are not allowed in theory. However, noise is used in experiment
-> Generated samples cannot be said better than samples before. However, gan has potential.
5. Pros and Cons
5.1. cons
- no p_{g} explicitly
- $D $, $G$ has to be well-balanced. If one develop too fast, each collapse the other
5.2. pros
- Markov chain is not needed. only back-propagation
- no inference during training
- many models can be applied
- clearer image than markov chains
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