[High Dimensional Statistics] Linear Regression

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  • Yonsei univ. STA9104 : Statistical theory for high dimensional and big data
  • High-Dimensional Statistics : A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint, 2017, Martin J. Wainwright

Goal : Develop linear regression problem in high-dimensional setting. Linear regression has long history of success, but we need to develop set up for high-dimensional setting, $e.g. ~d \geq n $.

1. Problem set up


  • $\theta^\star \in \mathbb{R}^d$ be an unknown regression vector.
  • $Y =( Y_1 , \cdots , Y_n)^T \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and fixed design matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$
  • $\epsilon = (\epsilon_1 , \cdots , \epsilon_n )^T \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and each $\epsilon_i$s are independent centered sub-Gaussian random variables with variance proxy $\sigma^2$

With the notations, we define linear regression problem like

\[Y = X \theta^\star + \epsilon\]

Given above setting, the aim of Linear regressions are like :

1.1. Prediction

Let $\tilde{Y} = X\theta^\star + \tilde{\epsilon}$ to be an independent draw, which is identically distributed as $Y$. Then, estimator for performance is :

\[\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [ \vert \vert \tilde{Y} - X \hat{\theta}\vert \vert_2^2] =\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [ \vert \vert \tilde{\epsilon} + X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta})\vert \vert_2^2] = \underset{unavoidable ~~error}{\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E}[\vert \vert \tilde{\epsilon}\vert \vert_2^2]} + \underset{mean ~~squared ~~error}{\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [\vert \vert X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta})\vert \vert_2^2]}\]

1.2. Parameter estimation

Sometimes, only on parameter estimation :

\(\mathbb{E}[ \vert \vert \theta^\star - \hat{\theta}\vert \vert_2 ^2]\)

2. Least squares estimator in high dimensions

  • well-known OLS estimator is such that :
\[\hat{\theta}_{LS} = (X'X)^{-1}X'Y = arg \underset{\theta}{min} \vert \vert Y-X \theta \vert \vert_2^2\]
  • However, in High-dimensional setting with $d \geq n$, $(X’X)$ is not invertible. Instead, one can get normal equation,
\[X'X \theta = X'Y\]

​ , from which one can get

\[\hat{\theta}_{LS} = (X'X)^{-}X'Y\]

Definition of Generalized Inverse

For the linear transformation $A : R^d \rightarrow R^n$, A generalized inverse of $A$ is the linear transformation $A^-$ such that

\[AA^- y = y ~~for ~~all ~~y \in C(A)\]

Apply above definition to $\beta = X^{-} Y $ and $X \beta = Y$,

\[X \beta = XX^- Y = Y ~~for ~~all~~Y \in C(X)\]

Therefore, $\beta = (X’X)^- X’Y$ is the solution to the normal equation, although it does not need to be unique.

  • For more information about OLS with generalized inverse, one can check ‘estimation’ post in linear model category of this blog.

2.1. Mean square error of the least square estimator

Theorem (Least squares estimators) Assume that the linear model $Y= X \theta^\star +\epsilon$ satisfies the above notations. Then, next works:

\[\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [\vert \vert X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta})\vert \vert_2^2] \leq \sigma^2 \frac{r}{n}\]

where $r$ is the rank of $X’X$. Moreover, for any $\delta >0$, with probability at least $1-\delta$, it holds

\[\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [\vert \vert X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta})\vert \vert_2^2] \leq \sigma^2 \frac{r+ log(1/\delta)}{n}\]

Which states that if $\frac{r}{n} \rightarrow 0$, mean squared error goes to zero

proof) proof consists of two steps, step 1) Basic inequality, step 2) sup-out technique

Step 1) Basic inequality

By the definition of $\hat{\theta}$,

\[\vert \vert Y- X \hat{\theta} \vert \vert _2 ^2 \leq \vert \vert Y- X \theta^\star \vert \vert _2 ^2 = \vert \vert \epsilon \vert \vert_2^2\]


\[\vert \vert Y-X \hat{\theta}_{LS} \vert \vert _2^2 = \vert \vert \epsilon +X(\theta^\star - \hat{\theta}_{LS}) \vert \vert _2^2 = \vert \vert \epsilon \vert \vert_2^2 + 2\epsilon ^T X(\theta^* - \hat{\theta}_{LS}) + \vert \vert X(\theta^\star -\hat{\theta_{LS}})\vert \vert_2 ^2\]

Combining two inequalities yields the basic inequality:

\[\vert \vert X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta}_{LS} )\vert\vert_2^2 \leq 2\epsilon ^T X( \hat{\theta}_{LS}- \theta^* ) = 2 \vert \vert X(\hat{\theta}_{LS} - \theta ^\star)\vert\vert_2 \times \frac{\epsilon ^T X( \hat{\theta}_{LS}- \theta^* )}{\vert \vert X(\hat{\theta}_{LS} - \theta ^\star)\vert\vert_2}\]

Because $\epsilon \,\, \& \,\, \hat{\theta}_{LS} $ are dependent , right part of last term is hard to control. Therefore, Sup-out technique is applied .

Step 2) Sup - out Technique

Let $\Psi = (\psi_1 , \cdots , \psi_r) \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times r}$ is an orthonormal basis for $col(X)$, which is,

\[X( \hat{\theta} - \theta^{\star}) = \Psi \nu ~~ for ~~ \nu \in \mathbb{R}^r\]

It yield :

\[\begin{align} \frac{\epsilon ^T X( \hat{\theta}_{LS}- \theta^* )}{\vert \vert X(\hat{\theta}_{LS} - \theta ^\star)\vert\vert_2} &= \frac{\epsilon^T \Psi \nu}{\vert \vert \Psi \nu \vert \vert _2} \\ &=\frac{\tilde{\epsilon}^T \nu}{\vert \vert \nu \vert \vert_2} \quad \leftarrow \quad \vert \vert \Psi \nu \vert \vert _2 = \sqrt{\nu ^T \Psi^T \Psi \nu} = \vert \vert \nu \vert \vert_2\, , \, \epsilon^T \Psi \equiv \tilde{\epsilon}^T \\ &\leq \underset{u\in \mathbb{R}^r : \vert\vert u \vert \vert_2 =1}{sup} \tilde{\epsilon}^T u \end{align}\]

Therefore, \(\vert \vert X(\hat{\theta}_{LS} - \theta ^\star)\vert\vert_2^2 \leq 4 \underset{u\in \mathbb{R}^r : \vert\vert u \vert \vert_2 =1}{sup} (\tilde{\epsilon}^T u)^2\)

Now, Check the claim : $\tilde{\epsilon} $ ~ $sub- Gaussian (\sigma^2)$ to bound above equation.

using the fact that $E[\tilde{\epsilon} ]=0 $.

\[\forall u \in S^{r-1} , \quad E[e^{s \tilde{\epsilon}^Tu}] = E[e^{s \epsilon^T \Psi u}] \leq e^{\frac{s^2 \sigma^2}{2}}\]

It satisfies the definition of sub-gaussian ($E[e^{\lambda (X-E[X]) }]\leq e^{\frac{\sigma^2 \lambda^2}{2}} $ ), meaning that $\tilde{\epsilon}$ is sub-gaussian

Then, By cauchy - schwarz inequality($ \vert \langle u,v \rangle \vert^2 \leq \langle u,u \rangle \cdot \langle v,v\rangle $),

\[\mathbb{E} \Bigg[ \underset{u\in \mathbb{R}^r : \vert\vert u \vert \vert_2 =1}{sup} (\tilde{\epsilon}^T u)^2 \Bigg] \leq \sum_{i=1}^r \mathbb{E}[\tilde{\epsilon}_i^2] \leq r \sigma^2\]


\[\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [\vert \vert X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta})\vert \vert_2^2] \leq \mathbb{E} \bigg[ \frac{4}{n} \underset{u\in \mathbb{R}^r : \vert\vert u \vert \vert_2 =1}{sup} (\tilde{\epsilon}'u)^2 \bigg] \leq \frac{4r}{n} \sigma^2\]

Then, by the fact that $\underset{\theta \in \mathbb{E}}{sup} \,\, \theta^T X \leq \,\, 2 \underset{z \in N_{1/2}}{max} z^TX$ from Metric Entropy,

\[\begin{align} \mathbb{P} (\vert \vert X( \theta^\star -\hat{\theta}_{LS}) \vert \vert _2^2 \geq t) & \leq \mathbb{P} \Big( \underset{u \in N_{1/2}}{max} (\tilde{\epsilon}^T u)^2 \geq \frac{t}{16} \Big) \\ & \leq \sum _{u \in N_{1/2} }{\mathbb{P} (\tilde{\epsilon}^T u \geq \frac{t}{16})} \\ & \leq \vert N_{1/2} \vert e^{ - \frac{t}{32 \sigma^2}} ~~\longleftarrow ~chernoff ~~ bound \\ & \leq 5^r e^{ - \frac{t}{32 \sigma^2}} ~~\,~\quad~\longleftarrow ~property~~of~~packing \end{align}\]

Now, consider $t$ such that \(5^r e^{- \frac{t}{32 \sigma^2}} \leq \delta \longleftrightarrow t \geq 32 \sigma^2 \{ r log5 + log(1/ \delta) \}\) we can conclude that \(\frac{1}{n} \mathbb{E} [\vert \vert X( \theta^\star - \hat{\theta})\vert \vert_2^2] \lesssim \sigma^2 \frac{r+ log(1/\delta)}{n}\) with at least probability $\delta$.

3. Sparse linear regression

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